Dec 7, 2010

Received from DoDo, Belgium

Envelope (front)
Envelope (back)

DoDo is one of my most active & original mailart-friends.
Sorry Dominic, you haven't received something back for some time now.
I'm behind in answering mail-art. Don't give up hope!

Add, alter & complete project from DoDo for Imelda & me (and mailartgroup Zebra).
It's a garland with the text: "BAH-HUMBUG".

Received from Eduardo Cardoso, Portugal

Thanx Eduardo. I like your artistamps!

Received from Ingrid Kegel, Nederland

Ingrid sent a photo of her painting as a new years card

Received from Mail Us Art, Poland

What a nice suprise! I've received a big envelope from the Mail Us Art-project.
It contained 2 posters, 4 flyers and a catalog.
To see all the contributions:

The catalog & a list of participants

Inside of catalog (On the left my contribution)



Received from Mr. Colori/ The Museum of Instant Images, Nederland

Thanx for the invitation!

Mailart Call "Lists"
On other side: Mailart Call "Living fast /living slow"